Innovation through citizen involvement
Innovation drives the development and use of alternative proteins

Innovation through citizen involvement

In the LIKE-A-PRO project, practical solutions will be co-designed with citizens in order to improve European food environments towards fostering alternative protein consumption. This social innovation will take place in 11 living labs and in 4 real life food environments.

Different dietary cultures and social norms

LIKE-A-PRO will work through living labs in 11 European countries. Thereby, consumer behaviours will be explored in different dietary cultures and social norms, allowing to cross-compare the data and draw synergies and trade-offs.

LIKE-A-PRO Living Labs by countries:

  • Norway (Møreforsking)
  • Denmark (Food & Bio Cluster Denmark)
  • Finland (Demos Research Institute)
  • The Netherlands (Foundation Week Without Meat)
  • Poland (Uniwersytet SWPS)
  • Slovenia (ITC - Innovation Technology Cluster)
  • Greece (Amerikaniko Kollegio Ellados, Kentro Erevnas)
  • Germany (Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production)
  • Spain (CNTA)
  • Turkey (Zeytince - Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği)
  • Italy (Università di Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum)