Food Actor Network
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Food Actor Network

The Food Actor Network (FAN), is a group of 52 frontrunner entities representing the middle food system value chain. The entities range from food retail & provisioning, food storage, transport & trade, food processing & transformation and horizontal entities, spanning over 18 countries.

The objective of the FAN is to provide insight and perspectives on challenges related to alternative proteins while gaining inspiration from the multi-actor approach. This will be achieved through the organization of co-creation sessions, following the Transition Arena method. The FAN members will be engaged in workshops with other value chain actors to work together on solutions on the main identified challenges of the sector.

Online workshops

There will be a total of six online workshops to share perspectives on alternative protein challenges and develop future transition pathways based on the negotiated vision and aims of accelerating the shift towards healthier and more sustainable dietary patterns.

As an outcome, the FAN will provide co-created visions, goals, pathways, as well as highlighted immediate actions and policy recommendations. The transition arena workshops are conducted in English, and will take place between September 2024 and May 2025 in Zoom.


Join the network

If you would like to join the Food Actor Network please apply by contacting Satu Lähteenoja, Leading Researcher, Demos Helsinki at
satu.lahteenoja _at_